Disruption of our sleep cycle cannot be sustained permanently because it will leads to imbalances in our neuro-endocrine system, and ultimately weaken our health.Īcupuncture and the other modalities of TCM help engage the body’s natural healing mechanisms to restore balance, health and vitality as an organic process. Humans will be healthy when they are active during the day (Yang) and Passive, sleeping at night (Yin). An example of yin and Yang is night and day. This includes the physical, mental, emotional, and psychological aspects of an individual. All imbalances and dis-eases can be understood in TCM as an imbalance of the Yin and Yang of a person’s dimension. Yin and Yang also divide infinitely into microsystems. They are opposites yet interdependent, inter-supporting, inter-consuming and inter-transforming. Yin and Yang represent the dualistic nature of our world. The fundamental essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is the concept of Yin and Yang. It restores the function of the different systems in the body that have lost their health through many reasons including stress, disease, poor diet, lack of exercise etc… Acupuncture is part of China’s traditional medicine, which also includes Tuina massage, herbal therapy, nutrition and Chi Gong (a style of Chinese exercise). Welcome to the Rogue Valley’s Acupuncture and Natural Health CenterĪcupuncture has been used to successfully treat, and prevent disease for over 2,000 years. Herbal Therapy | Flower Essences | Essential Oils | Energy Foot Bath Acupuncture | Tuina Massage | Cupping | Nutritional Therapy